UPDATE: January 2021

These have been very difficult and worrying times for everyone due to Covid restrictions and lockdowns. However, we are now seeing the benefits of the vaccination programme, which is being rolled out with military precision and gives hope that we are starting to overcome this pandemic and can look forward to life becoming more normal, leaving us with a deep gratitude to the NHS and all front line workers.

If anyone needs assistance getting to the vaccination centres, please do not hesitate to contact the CARE group below.


The Society recognises the splendid efforts made by support groups to ensure that nobody is left isolated or lonely, particularly during the Coronavirus crisis. One group, Covid-19 Mututal Aid UK, was swiftly organised locally, to provide a helping hand to those in need, whether it be collecting groceries and prescriptions or lending a sympathetic ear to those who live alone. After several busy months, they have now disbanded as a group. Their instant response to the Covid crisis was applauded by Mis Sussex District Council.

Our village has many groups of people connected through the church, bowls club, horticultural interests, the arts, and other societies, all of whom have rallied around to ensure nobody in the village is unable to reach out for any kind of support. A longstanding group who are ready, willing and able to help is:

Good Neighbours CARE – email: secretary@careinhaywardsheath.co.uk. Chairman: Christine Chelmick TEL: 01444 455955

All the various groups and societies in Lindfield illustrate the strong community spirit that exists our vibrant and welcoming village.